Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I need my Angels

One day God was watching me from his throne up high. He watched me as I made him cry, disappointed him, grit his teeth, pull his hair out and scare him to death. He also watched as I made him smile, laugh, made him proud and He loved me through it all. He knew I was about to receive one of his angels. He knew I needed a special angel.
God  called over a little girl..... his little girl. She was beautiful with big brown eyes, dark curly hair and an amazing smile. He said "Kiana my dear, you are going to go be a part of this earth life you see down there." He told her to look down on me. He told her that I needed a special angel. He told her that I did not deserve such a beautiful angel but no one deserves his angels.
I received this little angel and she was the most beautiful angel I had ever seen. I watched her as she made me cry, disappointed me, grit my teeth, pull my hair out and scare me to death. I also watched as she made me smile, laugh and make me proud and I loved her through it all. I did not deserve this special little angel. I certainly did not deserve two little angels.
God had other plans for me. He called over one of his most unique and special angels. He said "Tristan my boy, look down and see her. You will be one of her angels on this earth life. She is not worthy of such a gift but this is what she needs. Kiana has already gone to her and I need you to join the two of them. She does not deserve you but no one deserves my angels.
I received a beautiful little boy. He had big brown eyes, dark curly hair and an amazing smile.  I watched him as he made me cry, disappointed me, grit my teeth, pull my hair out and scare me to death. I also watched as he made me smile, laugh and make me proud and I loved him through it all. Tristan deserved so much more than me but I was lucky enough to receive him.
I got on my knees and stared at my two precious angels laying side by side in my bed. Tears filled my eyes as I looked up to the heavens. Father, you have given me not one but two of your best angels. They have kept me going through all the hard times. They have given me a reason to wake up and do the best I can every day. I will not be the perfect parent, I will make dozens of mistakes along the way. I will not be able to protect them from everything but I will do the best I can to provide a place where they will be loved unconditionally no matter what decisions they make. I have no right to ask you for more than what you have already given me. I cannot help myself and I must ask you anyway. Father, please do not take them away from me. I know you must miss your angels and it is selfish for me to want to keep them. I am not strong enough without them. I cannot imagine doing any of this without my little angels. I am weak and delicate. I need these little angels to stay with me as long as possible. I know they will return to you one day but I beg you to wait until I have already returned to you. I am completely undeserving of my request. A better person would not ask for so much. I am not a better person and I need my angels. Amen.

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